Manage your listings with's premier partner.

Instant updates with a certified 2-way synchronization

Take care of your listings on with a powerful and flexible channel manager.

Beds24 updates your prices and availability automatically and offers so many convenience functions that you will not need to log into anymore.

Having been Premier Partner since 2016, Beds24 enjoys premium support and can offer's latest API tools and early access to new functions. Premier Software Partner uncomparable amount of features to other channel managers I have used...

Karl, Easylandlord

...easy to understand and manage, with many layers to explore and improve your business...

Ruben, Boutique Magnifique

Advanced features and convenience functions which save time and resources

More pricing options

Prices for different occupancies and different length of stay increase your performance. Beds24 offers the most flexible pricing options for

Automated messaging and central mailbox

You can communicate with your guests directly from the booking in Beds24 via's messaging system using sophisticated triggers and smart templates.


Manage your promotions directly from Beds24. You can create new promotions and change existing promotions.

Advanced synchronization

2-way synchronization for bookings including modifications and cancellations. Option to report date changes or cancellations to

Payment automation

Auto charge guest credit cards or virtual cards when the payment is due.

Manage reviews

View and respond to guest reviews from the dashboard in Beds24.

Listing import

Import yourlistings from into Beds24 to get started instantly.

Listing export and content management

Create new listings on directly from your properties in Beds24. Update pictures, descriptions, amenities and other content from Beds24.

No other channel manager can boast such a combination of awards

 Airbnb preferred software partner Premier Partner   Expedia Elite partner    Homeaway VRBO preferred Software partner   Tripadvisor Premium Partner 
 Airbnb preferred software partner Premier Partner Best Performing Partner  

Start your free trial now

You can test all functions free of obligations.

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